
The KIT School Laboratory Energy is an authentic place of learning and teaching. It provides insights into current research topics of superconductor technology, materials research and energy supply. It is characterized by its direct connection to the Institute of Technical Physics.

Our offer is aimed at school classes from year 10 onwards as well as student interns, student teachers and teaching staff. In our modern, well-equipped school laboratory, pupils can experiment independently in small groups and carry out interdisciplinary scientific work. In cooperation with schools, we are happy to support pupils in preparing their seminar papers using our institute's experimental facilities.

The content of the experimental stations is based on the educational curricula for physics, NwT and chemistry.

KIT-Schülerlabor Energie Titelbild
Banner-Bild mit Symbolbildern für unterschiedliche Experimentierstationen wie etwa eine Solarzelle, ein Windrad, ein Supraleiter, oder eine Halbleiter-Platine


The events of the school lab are free of charge.
Appointments can be made via e-mail.


Head of KIT School Lab Energy
Astrid Rimikis
E-Mail: astrid rimikis∂kit edu

We are looking forward to hearing from you!