The school laboratory offers various modules on the topics of energy, the environment and superconductivity, each corresponding to a day of experimentation. Each student has the opportunity to participate in two workshops on one day of the visit. For school classes, 2-3 stations per day are offered, depending on the number of participants, which can be flexibly combined.
KIT School Lab Energy
The KIT School Lab Energy is an authentic place of learning and teaching. It provides insights into current research topics of superconductor technology and energy supply and is characterized by its direct connection to the Institute for Technical Physics.
Our offer is aimed at school classes in grades 10-12/13 as well as student trainees, teacher trainees and teaching staff. In cooperation with the schools, we are happy to support pupils in preparing their seminar papers with our experimental facilities.
The content of the experimental stations is based on the high school curriculum of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg in the subjects physics and NWT.

The sun and the light - everything is energy!
Climate change -
one of the greatest global challenges

Levitating trains and hoverboards -
Science fiction or reality?

Where does the sun´s energy come from?
Is it possible to bring the sun´s fire to earth?

What properties does light have?
Which experiment is among the most important in physics?

Which physical processes contribute to climate change?
What is the radiation balance of our earth?

How can sunlight be converted into electrical energy?
How is a solar cell constructed?

How can wind be converted into electrical energy?
How does a wind turbine work?

Is loss-free electricity transport possible?
Where are the technical applications of superconductors?
Levitating trains and hoverboards -
Science fiction or reality?
School Classes
The main offer of the KIT School Lab Energy includes all-day stays of school classes of grade 10-12/13.
The young people experiment by itself in small groups of 2-3 persons at stations and are individually supervised by a student tutor or scientist per station. Each station has four experimental places.
The scope and duration of the programme as well as the individual timetable will be agreed with the teachers in advance during registration. A stay of about 9.00-16.00 o´clock is recommended. Visits lasting several days are also possible.
Currently, seven stations are offered on the topic modules sun, climate, renewable energies and superconductors.
Career Orientation Traineeship
Are you interested in examining superconductors at cool -196 °C? Are you interested in our environment? Do you want to know how we can manage our energy supply in the future? Then you are definitaly right here!
You don't have to be a little Einstein. However, you should bring openness mind and curiosity! If you want to get an impression of what awaits you in our school lab, please follow the Link "Experiments" in the topic.
If you are interested, please send your Application and CV to:
Ms. Stefanie Apelt
Personnel development and vocational training
See you soon!
Current work:
Topic | Name | Subject |
Design and construction of the "Weather extremes" station | André Kurzeja | NwT |
Design and construction of the "Environmental radioactivity" station | Lukas König | NwT |
Abgeschlossene Arbeiten:
Topic | Name | Year | Subject |
Master theses | |||
Development of the module "Quantum objects and their mathematical description" for a seminar course | Fabienne Müller | 2024 | Physics |
Design and construction of the "Battery technology" station | Nicolas Dworschak | 2023 | NwT |
Design and construction of the "Geothermal energy" station | Bianca Baumann | 2023 | NwT |
Development of the module "Climate" of a dual quantum mechanics seminar course for the subject geography | Julian Bell | 2023 | NwT |
Development of the bridging module "Nuclear Physics" to the subject History for a dual quantum mechanics seminar course | Celine Apfelbach | 2023 | Physics |
Conception of a seminar course on quantum mechanics | Jan Zudock | 2023 | NwT |
Teaching models of an electric motor - development, design and production with the 3D printer | Marco Öhl | 2021 | Ingenieurpädagogik |
Bachelor theses | |||
Design and construction of an electric motor in modular design | N. N. | 2024 | Ingenieurpädagogik |
Development of a teaching concept for the "Electromobility" station | N. N. | 2024 | Ingenieurpädagogik |
Development of a didactic concept for the "Electromagnetic induction" station | Fabian Follner | 2023 | Ingenieurpädagogik |
Development of a didactic concept for the "Wind energy" station | Julian Bell | 2022 | NwT |
Development of a didactic concept for the "Hydrogen mobility" station | Nicolas Dworschak | 2022 | NwT |
Development of a didactic concept for the "Climate change" station | Nico Henkenhaf | 2020 | NwT |
Development of a didactic concept for the "Photovoltaics" station | Jan Zudock | 2020 | NwT |
Development of a didactic concept for the "Light" station | Jonas Pfob | 2020 | NwT |
Development of a didactic concept for the "Nuclear fusion" station | Edward Hermann | 2019 | Physics |
State examination papers | |||
Development of the experimental set-up "Electrical properties of superconductors" | Michael Wolter | 2018 | Physics |
Conception of the student experiment "Electrical conductivity of superconductors and metallic conductors" | Julia Bartelt | 2016 | Physics |
Conception of the student experiment "Magnetism and magnetic materials" | Christian Göcke | 2016 | Physics |
E-Mail: astrid rimikis ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Postal address:
Karlsruher Institute of Technology
Institute for Technical Physics
Hermannn-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
We are looking forward you!